Funnel Cake Bites


If you’ve ever been to a carnival or fair, you probably know the joy of biting into a warm, crispy, and sugary funnel cake. Now, imagine that deliciousness in bite-sized form! This Funnel Cake Bites recipe brings all the nostalgia and flavor of classic funnel cake but with a twist—smaller portions that are perfect for sharing (or not!).

The combination of a rich batter, quickly fried to golden perfection and dusted with powdered sugar, makes these bites irresistible. They’re easy to make at home, and once you try them, you’ll never want to wait for the fair to enjoy funnel cakes again.

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Here’s everything you need to know about making Funnel Cake Bites at home, with tips, tricks, and ways to make your experience as perfect as possible.

Ingredients Overview

1. Milk (2 cups):

Milk serves as the primary liquid in this recipe, giving the batter a rich and smooth consistency. Whole milk works best for its creaminess, but you can also use 2% or even a non-dairy milk if you want to make a dairy-free version.

2. Egg (1):

The egg acts as a binding agent, helping the batter stay cohesive and providing structure to the cake bites as they cook. It also contributes to the light, airy texture that makes funnel cake so irresistible.

3. Vanilla (2 teaspoons):

Vanilla extract adds warmth and depth of flavor. While two teaspoons may seem like a small amount, it gives a subtle sweetness and enhances the overall taste of the batter.

4. Flour (2 cups):

All-purpose flour is the backbone of this recipe, providing the batter with its structure. When mixed with the wet ingredients, it forms a thick and cohesive mixture perfect for frying.

5. Pinch of Salt:

Salt may seem like an unusual addition to a sweet treat, but a pinch of salt balances the sweetness and enhances all the other flavors in the recipe.

6. Baking Soda (1 teaspoon):

Baking soda helps the funnel cake bites puff up as they fry, making them light and fluffy on the inside while still maintaining a crispy exterior. This is essential for achieving that signature texture.

7. Sugar (2 tablespoons):

While these funnel cake bites will be coated with powdered sugar after frying, the small amount of sugar in the batter itself gives just a touch of sweetness and caramelization during frying.

8. Melted Butter (6 tablespoons):

Butter adds richness and moisture to the batter. Once melted and mixed in, it helps give the bites a more tender texture and a slightly buttery flavor that complements the sweetness of the powdered sugar topping.

Step-by-Step Instructions

Step 1: Mix the Wet Ingredients

In a medium-sized bowl, whisk together 2 cups of milk, 1 egg, 2 teaspoons of vanilla extract, and 6 tablespoons of melted butter. Make sure the butter is slightly cooled before adding it to the mixture, so it doesn’t cook the egg. These wet ingredients form the foundation of the batter, with the milk and butter providing richness, and the egg contributing to the structure.

Step 2: Add the Dry Ingredients

Next, stir in a pinch of salt, 1 teaspoon of baking soda, and 2 tablespoons of sugar. The baking soda is crucial for giving the funnel cake bites their light, airy texture, while the sugar adds just a touch of sweetness to the batter. Mix these into the wet ingredients until well combined.

Step 3: Slowly Fold in the Flour

Gradually add 2 cups of flour to the wet ingredients. Stir slowly, folding the flour into the mixture to avoid over-mixing. Over-mixing the batter can make the bites too dense, which is not what we want. The batter should be smooth and slightly thick but still pourable.

Step 4: Prepare the Ziplock Bag

Once your batter is smooth and ready, pour it into a gallon-sized Ziplock bag. Seal the bag and set it aside for a few minutes while you prepare the oil. This bag will act as your piping tool, allowing you to control the flow of the batter when frying.

Step 5: Heat the Oil

Pour vegetable oil into a large frying pan, about a half-inch deep. Turn your burner on high heat for about two minutes, then reduce the heat to medium. You want the oil to be hot enough to fry the batter quickly but not so hot that it burns the outside while leaving the inside raw.

Step 6: Test the Oil

To check if the oil is ready, drop a small bit of batter into the pan. If bubbles form around the edges of the batter immediately, your oil is at the right temperature. If no bubbles appear, let the oil heat a little longer. If the batter browns too quickly, turn down the heat slightly.

Step 7: Cut the Bag and Pipe the Batter

Take the Ziplock bag filled with batter and cut a small hole in one corner. This will allow you to control the flow of the batter as you pipe it into the oil. Slowly squeeze out the batter in 1-2 inch circles into the hot oil. You can make the bites as large or small as you like, but try to keep them uniform for even cooking.

Step 8: Fry the Funnel Cake Bites

Let the bites cook until they are golden brown on the bottom, which should take about 1-2 minutes. Then, carefully flip them over using a slotted spatula or tongs, and cook the other side until it is golden brown as well. Make sure not to overcrowd the pan, as this will lower the oil temperature and result in greasy bites.

Step 9: Drain the Excess Oil

Once both sides are golden brown, remove the funnel cake bites from the oil and place them on a plate lined with paper towels. This will help soak up any excess grease, leaving your bites crispy and light instead of oily.

Step 10: Sprinkle with Powdered Sugar

While the bites are still warm, generously sprinkle them with powdered sugar. This is the classic topping for funnel cakes, giving them that sweet, irresistible coating. If you want, you can get creative here by adding cinnamon sugar, cocoa powder, or even a drizzle of chocolate sauce.

Step 11: Serve with Whipped Cream or Fruit

For an extra indulgent touch, serve your funnel cake bites with a dollop of whipped cream or a side of fresh fruit like strawberries or raspberries. The combination of crispy, fried dough with the lightness of whipped cream or the tartness of fresh fruit is unbeatable.

Tips for Perfect Funnel Cake Bites

  1. Consistent Oil Temperature: Maintaining the correct oil temperature is crucial. Too hot, and the bites will burn on the outside while staying raw inside. Too cool, and they’ll absorb too much oil and become greasy. Use a thermometer to keep the oil at around 350°F (177°C) if you want to be precise.
  2. Don’t Overcrowd the Pan: Fry in small batches to avoid lowering the oil temperature. Overcrowding leads to uneven cooking and can make the bites soggy rather than crispy.
  3. Flour Consistency: If your batter feels too thin, add a little more flour. The batter should be thick enough to hold its shape when piped but not so thick that it clogs the Ziplock bag.
  4. Experiment with Toppings: While powdered sugar is the traditional topping, feel free to experiment! Try drizzling caramel or chocolate sauce, sprinkling with cinnamon sugar, or adding a scoop of ice cream for a fun variation.
  5. Healthier Frying: If you’re looking to reduce the oil content, you can try baking the funnel cake bites in the oven instead of frying them. Preheat your oven to 375°F (190°C), pipe the batter onto a greased baking sheet, and bake for about 10-12 minutes, or until golden brown.

Funnel Cake Bites

Recipe by Grace

These bite-sized treats are fried to a golden brown and dusted with powdered sugar. The perfect combination of flavors and textures will leave you craving more. Enjoy these special occasion treats for a sweet and satisfying snack.


  • 2 cups of milk

  • 1 egg

  • 2 teaspoons of vanilla

  • 2 cups of flour

  • pinch of salt

  • 1 teaspoon of baking soda

  • 2 tablespoons of sugar

  • 6 table spoons of butter- Melted


  • In a medium size bowl mix your milk, egg, vanilla, and butter together.
  • Then add in your salt, baking soda, and sugar.
  • Slowly fold in flour until batter becomes smooth.
  • Pour your batter mixture into a gallon size Ziplock baggy and set aside for a few minutes.
  • Pour vegetable oil into a frying pan until your oil is about a half inch deep.
  • Turn burner on high heat for about two minutes and then turn down to medium heat.
  • Check your oil by dropping a small drop of batter into oi. If it begins to show bubbles around the edges then it is ready. If not than turn it up a bit again until it is good and hot.
  • Take scissors and cut a small hole into the bottom corner of the baggie. Slowly drizzle batter into 1 to 2 circles and cook until golden brown on the bottom half.
  • Gently flip them over with a slotted metal spatula and cook again until the bottom half is golden brown.
  • Place on paper towels to soak up most of the grease and sprinkle with powdered sugar.
  • Serve with whip cream or fruit to top them off with.

Why Funnel Cake Bites Are a Must-Try

Funnel cake bites offer all the flavors and textures you love about traditional funnel cakes but in a more manageable, bite-sized form. They are perfect for sharing at parties, serving as a fun dessert for family gatherings, or just making for a special treat at home.

  • Quick and Easy: You can whip up these bites in under 30 minutes, making them an ideal last-minute dessert option.
  • Customizable: The recipe is incredibly flexible, allowing you to add your favorite flavors or toppings to make it your own.
  • Perfect for All Occasions: Whether you’re hosting a fair-themed party, need a fun dessert for kids, or simply want to satisfy a sweet tooth, funnel cake bites fit the bill.


These Funnel Cake Bites bring the magic of the fair into your home in a convenient, easy-to-make form. With just a few simple ingredients and steps, you can create a batch of warm, crispy, and sweet mini funnel cakes that everyone will love.

Whether you serve them with powdered sugar, a dollop of whipped cream, or even a drizzle of caramel or chocolate, these bites are sure to satisfy your cravings. Enjoy the crispy, airy texture of the fried dough paired with the sweetness of the sugar topping in every single bite.

So, next time you’re in the mood for a treat that’s fun to make and even more fun to eat, give this Funnel Cake Bites recipe a try! They’re sure to become a favorite in your household.

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